Thursday, April 21, 2011

Un assaggio marittimo passando per il nuovo anno, 2554!

Ok, parlerò più per immagini che altro un po' di Bangkok... Il capodanno buddista è stato un vero bel casino. Per giorni acqua e borotlaco ovunque!! Uscivo di giorno come per andare in spiaggia, in costume... Per giovani e meno giovani sono tre giorni di vera festa a cui come straniero e turista non puoi certo sottrarti...

La città viva e in festa è stata inizialmente uno shok arrivando dalle tranquille province del nord, il tutto si è rivelato vincente e splendente!!! A Chinatown ho trovato cibo delizioso e un atmosfera di oriente cosmopolita...

Ora prima di immergermi in Vietnam sono a Ko Samet, dopo 8 settimane di viaggio sono da un paio di giorni su di un isoletta con spiagge bianche... Lunga la bellezza di 7 km..!!

è un vero paradiso, pesce fresco, gamberi, seppie e primi tuffi in mare...

Pun Pun = thousand variety

“Pun Pun is a small organic farm, seed-saving center, and sustainable living and learning center. We strive to find more ways to live a more self-reliant lifestyle by cultivating our own food, building our own natural homes, and experimenting with low-tech appropriate technologies. We seek to bring back the tradition of seed saving amongst farmers and growers by collecting, propagating, and exchanging indigenous and rare varieties. We seek to live simply and continue to learn”.

It is more than eating. It's a totally charming experience that gives you the opportunity to be in peace while approaching a food that is deeply developed in taste and at the same time extremely simple.
Rachabordin is an Architect from north east of Thailand and since 6 years ago I jumped into a food adventure in Chiang Mai. What he did is vanguard. For Thailand as for the our western world.
All the menu is vegetarian and he works only at lunch time. To arrive there you need to pass Wat Suan Dork, one of the "must-see" temples in Chiang Mai. In fact this incredible place for eating and relaxing is in courtyard of the temple. He has a farm, 40miles out the city in the countryside where he grows vegetables with organic methods. In the period I’ve spent up in Chiang Mai I’ve been sever time to enjoy his food and I have to say it was always a surprise!
Racha, is a simple man, fully into his job which loves. You can say that as soon as you enter and start looking at the menu.
He was able during the years to establish a network of farmers nearby his farm and now what he offer is a very diverse menu full of colors tastes and smells. Fruits and vegetable salads. Rice with pineapple and nuts, tofu with sesame. Refreshing juice with ginger and honey. A salad of sprouts and greens that alone look like a project of architecture. Well it is just incredible what he is doing! All is based on quality and extraordinary kept simple and tasty! Working only at lunch he is able to attract may tourist and as well locals that want something different. Thai cuisine, in fact, is a lot about chicken and pork and to find a place that offers veggies at this level it is almost a challenge in the city!
Rachabording has been at the last edition of  Terra Madre, where he says, “I’ve just seen with my eyes that what I’m doing here is possible for the world”. Everything is genuine, tables re settled around a huge tree, you eat under its shadow experiencing the silence and relaxing atmosphere of being surrounded by temples.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

JJ, al mercato coi contadini del nord ovest

è sabato. 5 abbondanti del mattino. alzarsi dal letto sembra un impresa epica ma con una bella doccia fredda tutto diventa più facile.
Così, dopo una moticlettata attraverso la città che si sveglia con monaci scalzi che ricevono cibo e inchini da ristoranti di strada appena aperti, arriviamo al JJmarket.
Se non sai dove, mai lo troveresti. Non è certo un posto da turisti.

Appena arrivati colpisce subito la particolarità di questo mercato. Ogni banco ha piccole quantità di tanti prodotti diversi. Ortaggi, erbe spontanee, spezie, frutti di ogni genere si mescolano a formare scale cromatiche incredibili. Colpisce soprattutto la dimensione delle cose, tuto a differenza di altri mercati, è più piccolo, a perfetta maturazione.
Un signore vende tofu al sesamo e riso x colazione. Ragazzi universitari di uno scambio culturale tra Thailandia e Corea del sud offrono il loro aiuto dietro ai banchi entusiasti.
E' uno spettacolo che si svolge mentre sorge il sole.
Verso le sette e mezza i banchi cominciano a svuotarsi, le persone hanno ceste e sacchetti gonfi per le mani.
Vivere un mercato all'alba è stato grande. Ne è valsa davvero la pena, una vera botta di vita

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Tian Zi Tea House

During may stay here in Chiang Mai I had the great opportunity to interact directly with this peace of heaven in the City. Lyn and Lee a delicious Chinese couple from Yunan came in Thailand to live about four years ago with the idea of creating a surprisingly new way of restoration for north Thailand; they combine a macrobiotic cuisine with the traditional and noble Puer Tea. The joint venture is amazing. You can taste and have deep explanation of teas from China and approach at the same time a very healthy cuisine, In our days famous all over the world.
I finish here for my first dinner, when coming from Siberia. Than constantly i was able to discuss, exchange and interact directly with them in a various number of different and pleasant situation due to their close friendship with Pavlos, my Greek friends that brings me in this beautiful region in northern Thailand. First tasting, than observing the kitchen in action and finally having the great opportunity to exchange culture of taste with Lyn, the mind and soul of the food at Tian Zi Tea House.
Last week after getting up very early in the morning (that was quite difficult...) I went with Lyn to the organic market inside the university garden. In fact due to the hot climate over here markets usually open very early in the morning. The earlier you go the most varieties of fruits and veggies you can find. Interacting with locals in the market is a great human exchange. Chiang May is considered a very innovative city in Thailand. The organic movement in this region is little and the same time is a beginning of change for a more local and organic approach on food. In the city by the way there is also an other market called JJ, only on Saturday morning ( I was there at 6 am, it was a joy!!).
The basic difference between the two markets is that the one organized by the university is organic but do allow producers to grow of seasonal products in greenhouses and has a very little selection of wild herbs. While JJ market is incredible, local farmers come directly in the city to sell their products, organically produced and strictly only seasonal!!! 
As Lyn has some western customers that do love her cuisine but do love some meet. last week, after the market we cooked together a Lamb. I left the meat in infusion with tea, onions and coriander leafs for about two hours, then grilled in strong fire for few minutes and cooked with orange ginger in the hoven. Lyn surprised me preparing it Arab style with rice, spices and potatoes. All was served with "pappa al pomodoro", a traditional Chinese noodle with mushrooms, coriander roots, tofu, served with soy. and yes a lot of vegetables blended together to create an incredible explosion of colors and flavors!!
Today, after a very early market experience and a good morning siesta we are going to cook together for a second day. A duck will by our central dish, but this with the JJ market is another story...

TianZi Tea House and Garden
in Chiang Mai, Thailand. It displays a variety of our products and offers the best of Puer Tea combined with macrobiotic health food for a tranquil hour. We also have free wireless internet and you are welcome to enjoy our garden while working on your laptop.
TianZi Tea House TianZi Biodiversity Research & Development Centre Co .Ltd.119/1 Kampangdin Rd. Chiang Mai, Thailand ,The location is easy to find opposite of the Mae Ping Hotel's beer garden a 5 minutes' walk from the night market
We prepare food and cook with special attention to the use of ingredients, cooking utensils, heat, water quality, and the wise use of herbs and roots known to support vital health functions. We do not use: artificial or toxic taste enhancers such as MSG, unqualified oils, refined sugar, dairy products and chemically loaded foods. Should you have specific dietary requirements please let us know and we will adjust our dishes according to your instructions. Please inquire for special diets if you are recovering from chronic disorders, are on a weight-loss programme, or suffer from diabetes, immune system weakness, or stomach troubles. TianZi is working with numerous European Universities to understand natural ecosystems along the Mekong River, develop novel biodiversity products, and to design organic certification for our special approach. We also accept students for practica, entrepreneurship, and thesis research. Your purchase is supporting ethnic communities in remote mountain areas along the Upper Mekong River and you contribute to biodiversity protection in their natural and agricultural environments. Thank you. The TianZi Team.